/* Pagelayer Pen editor */ var pagelayer_customColor = ["#000000", "#e60000", "#ff9900", "#ffff00", "#008a00", "#0066cc", "#9933ff", "#ffffff", "#facccc", "#ffebcc", "#ffffcc", "#cce8cc", "#cce0f5", "#ebd6ff", "#bbbbbb", "#f06666", "#ffc266", "#ffff66", "#66b966", "#66a3e0", "#c285ff", "#888888", "#a10000", "#b26b00", "#b2b200", "#006100", "#0047b2", "#6b24b2", "#444444", "#5c0000", "#663d00", "#666600", "#003700", "#002966", "#3d1466"]; var pagelayer_pen_sizeList = ['normal', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large']; var pagelayer_pen_lineHeight = ['0.9', '1', '1.5', '2.0', '2.5','3.0', '3.5', '4.0', '4.5', '5.0']; class PagelayerPen{ constructor(jEle, options) { var t = this; t.editor = jQuery(jEle); t.options = options; // Get the document of the element. It use to makes the plugin // compatible on iframes. t.doc = jEle.ownerDocument || document; t.tagToButton = {}; t.optionsCounter = 0; t.destroyEd = true; t.semantic = null; t.DEFAULT_SEMANTIC_MAP = { 'b': 'strong', 'i': 'em', 's': 'strike', //'strike': 'del', 'div': 'p' }; // Init editor t.addHandlers(); t.init(); } init(){ var t = this; // Init Editor t.editor.addClass('pagelayer-pen'); t.penHolder = t.addContainer(); t.addEvents(); } addHandlers(){ // TODO : Add for custom plugins // TODO remove all execCommands this.handlers = { bold:{ tag: 'STRONG', icon: '' }, italic:{ tag: 'EM', icon: '' }, underline:{ tag: 'U', icon: '' }, strike:{ tag: 'strike', fn: 'strikethrough', icon: '' }, h1:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H1' }, h2:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H2' }, h3:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H3' }, h4:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H4' }, h5:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H5' }, h6:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H6' }, p:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: '' }, blockquote:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: '' }, formating:{ fn: 'formatBlock', fixIcon: '' }, unorderedlist:{ tag: 'UL', fn: 'insertUnorderedList', icon: '' }, orderedlist:{ tag: 'OL', fn: 'insertOrderedList', icon: '' }, sub:{ tag: 'sub', fn: 'subscript', icon: '' }, super:{ tag: 'sup', fn: 'superscript', icon: '' }, link:{ fn: 'setLinkHandler', tag: 'a', icon: '', }, image:{ fn: 'imageBtnHandler', icon: '' }, align:{ style: 'text-align', fn: 'formatBlock', icon: { 'left': '', 'center': '', 'right': '', 'justify': '', } }, color:{ class: 'pagelayer-pen-color-picker', style: 'color', fn: 'commandHandler', fixIcon: ' ', buildBtn : 'buildColorBtnHandler', default : pagelayer_customColor, customInpute: true }, background:{ class: 'pagelayer-pen-color-picker', style: 'background-color', fn: 'commandHandler', fixIcon: ' ', buildBtn: 'buildColorBtnHandler', default : pagelayer_customColor, customInpute: true }, size:{ class: 'pagelayer-pen-size-picker', style: 'font-size', fn: 'commandHandler', default : pagelayer_pen_sizeList, customInpute: true }, lineheight:{ style: 'line-height', fn: 'commandHandler', fixIcon: '', default : pagelayer_pen_lineHeight, customInpute: true }, font:{ style: 'font-family', fn: 'commandHandler', fixIcon: '', default : pagelayer_fonts, buildBtn : 'buildfontBtnHandler', }, viewHTML:{ fn: 'viewHTMLBtnHandler', icon: '' }, removeformat:{ icon: '' } } } addContainer(className){ className = className || false; // Add Container var container = jQuery('.pagelayer-pen-holder'); if(container.length < 1){ jQuery('body').append('
'); container = jQuery('.pagelayer-pen-holder'); } if(!className){ return container; } if(container.find('.'+className).length < 1){ container.append('
'); } return container.find('.'+className); } addToolbar(){ // Add Toolbar var t = this; var groups = t.options.toolbar; var toolbar = t.toolbar = t.addContainer('pagelayer-pen-toolbar'); // Make it empty toolbar.empty(); if (!Array.isArray(groups[0])) { groups = [groups]; } var addButton = function(container, format, value){ var btn = t.handlers[format]; var icon = ''; if('icon' in btn){ var _icon = btn['icon']; if(typeof _icon == 'object' && !pagelayer_empty(_icon[value])){ icon = _icon[value]; }else if(typeof icon == 'string'){ icon = _icon; } } var input = document.createElement('button'); input.setAttribute('type', 'button'); input.setAttribute('data-format', format); input.classList.add('pagelayer-pen-' + format); if('class' in btn){ input.classList.add(btn['class']); } if( pagelayer_empty(value) && 'default' in btn ){ value = btn['default']; } input.innerHTML = icon; if(value != null) { input.value = value; } container.appendChild(input); } var createoption = function(val, lang, type){ type = type || ''; var lang = pagelayer_empty(lang) ? 'Default' : lang; return ''; } var addSelect = function(container, format, values) { var input = document.createElement('select'); input.classList.add('pagelayer-pen-' + format); if('class' in t.handlers[format]){ input.classList.add(t.handlers[format]['class']); } input.setAttribute('data-format', format); if( pagelayer_empty(values) && 'default' in t.handlers[format] ){ values = t.handlers[format]['default']; } for(var kk in values){ var options = ''; var value = values[kk]; if(typeof value == 'object') { if(kk != 'default'){ options += ''; } for(y in value){ options += createoption((jQuery.isNumeric(y) ? value[y] : x), value[y], kk); } }else if(value !== false) { options += createoption(value, value); } else { options += createoption('', ''); } jQuery(input).append(options); } container.appendChild(input); } groups.forEach(function(controls){ var group = document.createElement('span'); group.classList.add('pagelayer-pen-formats'); controls.forEach(function (control){ var format = control; if(typeof control === 'object'){ format = Object.keys(control)[0]; } if( pagelayer_empty(t.handlers[format]) ){ return; } if( typeof control === 'string' ){ addButton(group, control); } else { var value = control[format]; if (Array.isArray(value)) { addSelect(group, format, value); } else { addButton(group, format, value); } } var btn = t.handlers[format]; t.tagToButton[(btn.tag || btn.style || format).toLowerCase()] = format; }); // TODO skip if format is not exist toolbar[0].appendChild(group); }); toolbar.find('button').on('click', function(){ var bEle = jQuery(this); var format = bEle.data('format'); if(! format in t.handlers){ return; } var btn = t.handlers[format]; t.currentFormat = format; t.execCmd(btn.fn || format, btn.param || format, btn.forceCss); }); toolbar.find('select').on('change', function(e){ var bEle = jQuery(this); var format = bEle.data('format'); var val = bEle.val(); if(! format in t.handlers){ return; } var btn = t.handlers[format]; t.currentFormat = format; t.execCmd(btn.fn || format, val, btn.forceCss); }); toolbar.find('select').each(function(){ var format = jQuery(this).data('format'); if('buildBtn' in t.handlers[format]){ try{ t[t.handlers[format]['buildBtn']](this); }catch(e){ try{ t.handlers[format]['buildBtn'](this); }catch(e2){ t.buildDropdown(this); } } return true; } t.buildDropdown(this); }); // Add close button toolbar.append(''); // Hide editor on click close tool handler toolbar.find('.pagelayer-pen-close').on('mousedown', function(e){ //e.preventDefault(); t.destroyEd = true; t.editor.trigger('blur'); }); } execCmd(cmd, param, forceCss, skipPen){ var t = this; skipPen = !!skipPen || ''; if(cmd !== 'dropdown'){ t.focus(); t.restoreRange(); } try{ document.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, forceCss || false); }catch(c){} try{ t[cmd + skipPen](param); }catch(c){ try{ cmd(param); }catch(e2){ if(cmd === 'insertHorizontalRule'){ param = undefined; }else if (cmd === 'formatBlock'){ // TODO: check for && t.isIE param = '<' + param + '>'; } document.execCommand(cmd, false, param); t.semanticCode(); t.restoreRange(); } } if(cmd !== 'dropdown'){ t.updateButtonStatus(); t.editor.trigger('input'); } } commandHandler(value){ var t = this; var format = t.currentFormat; if( pagelayer_empty(format) ){ return; } var btn = t.handlers[format]; var sel = window.getSelection(); var text = t.range.commonAncestorContainer; var selectedText = t.range.cloneContents(); selectedText = jQuery('
').append(selectedText).html(); // Also select the tag if(text.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE){ text = text.parentNode; } if (text.innerHTML === selectedText && text != t.editor[0]) { var ele = jQuery(text); if('tag' in btn){ // Replace tag }else if('style' in btn){ var style = {}; style[btn.style] = value; ele.css(style); }else if('atts' in btn){ // Add attribute or toggle the element } } else { // TODO for toggle tags and add tags var html = jQuery('' + selectedText + ''); // Remove style from all childrend var style = {}; style[btn.style] = ''; html.find('[style]').css(style); // TODO: remove span element that have no atts var node = html[0]; var firstInsertedNode = node.firstChild; var lastInsertedNode = node.lastChild; t.range.deleteContents(); t.range.insertNode(node); if(firstInsertedNode) { t.range.setStartBefore(firstInsertedNode); t.range.setEndAfter(lastInsertedNode); } // Is previous element empty? var prev = jQuery(node).prev(); if( prev.length > 0 && prev.is(':empty') ){ prev.remove(); } } sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(t.range); } formatBlock(value){ var t = this, format = t.currentFormat, btn = t.handlers[format], startNode = t.range.startContainer, endNode = t.range.endContainer; if( startNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && startNode.parentNode != t.editor[0] ){ startNode = startNode.parentNode; } if( endNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && endNode.parentNode != t.editor[0] ){ endNode = endNode.parentNode; } // TODO: only for seleced content // Wrap text nodes in span for easier processing t.editor.contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeType === 3 && this.nodeValue.trim().length > 0; }).wrap(''); var isLineEnd = function(lEle){ return lEle == null || lEle.nodeName == 'BR' || t.isline(lEle); } var wrapLine = function(pLine){ var pLine = jQuery(pLine), lineFele, lineEele, finalP; // Get Parent Element if(pLine.parentsUntil(t.editor).length > 0){ pLine = pLine.parentsUntil(t.editor).last(); } if(t.isline(pLine)){ return pLine; } // Get line first element if(isLineEnd(pLine[0].previousSibling)){ lineFele = pLine; }else{ lineFele = pLine.prevAll().filter(function(){ return isLineEnd(this.previousSibling); }).first(); } // Get line last element if(isLineEnd(lineFele[0].nextSibling)){ lineEele = lineFele; }else{ lineEele = lineFele.nextAll().filter(function(){ return isLineEnd(this.nextSibling); }).first(); } // Wrap all with p tag if(lineFele.is(lineEele)){ finalP = lineFele.wrap('

').parent() }else{ finalP = lineFele.nextUntil(lineEele.next()).addBack().wrapAll('

').parent(); } finalP.next('br').remove(); return finalP; } // Get start block lavel elements var $sNode = jQuery(t.blockNode(startNode)); if($sNode.is(t.editor)){ $sNode = wrapLine(startNode); } var $eNode = jQuery(t.blockNode(endNode)); if($eNode.is(t.editor)){ $eNode = wrapLine(endNode); } var $oldEle = $sNode; if(! $sNode.is($eNode) ){ var findEnd = false; var addElement = function(addEle){ if(addEle[0].nodeName == 'UL' || addEle[0].nodeName == 'OL') { addEle.children().each(function(){ $oldEle = $oldEle.add(jQuery(this)); }); return; } $oldEle = $oldEle.add(addEle); } var wrapAllEle = function(nextEle){ if(nextEle.is($eNode) || nextEle.find($eNode).length > 0){ findEnd = true; return; } if(nextEle.length < 1){ return; } if(!t.isline(nextEle[0])){ nextEle = wrapLine(nextEle); } addElement(nextEle); wrapAllEle( nextEle.next() ); } wrapAllEle($sNode.next()); // Is start Element have a another parent var pars = $sNode.parentsUntil(t.editor); pars.each(function(){ var $par = jQuery(this); wrapAllEle($par.next()); }); if( pars.length > 0 ){ $sNode = pars.last(); } var nextEnd = $sNode.nextAll().filter(function(){ return jQuery(this).is($eNode) || jQuery(this).find($eNode).length > 0; }).first(); // Add elements if( nextEnd.length > 0 ){ var $nextEle = $sNode.nextUntil(nextEnd); $nextEle.each(function(){ var ulEle = jQuery(this); if($oldEle.has(ulEle)) return; addElement(ulEle); }); } // Add end element if(nextEnd.length > 0 && !nextEnd.is($eNode) && (nextEnd[0].nodeName == 'UL' || nextEnd[0].nodeName == 'OL')){ nextEnd.children().each(function(){ var li = jQuery(this); $oldEle = $oldEle.add(li); if(li.is($eNode) || li.find($eNode).length > 0) return false; }); }else{ $oldEle = $oldEle.add($eNode); } } if('style' in btn){ var style = {}; style[btn.style] = value; $oldEle.css(style); }else if('atts' in btn){ // Add attribute or toggle the element var attr = {}; attr[btn.atts] = value; $oldEle.attr(attr); }else{ // Replace tag var tag = value.toLowerCase(); // need to find all block ele and replace this $oldEle.each( function(){ var $cEle = jQuery(this); if($cEle.is(t.editor)){ return; } // Is List element if($cEle.css('display') == 'list-item'){ if( t.isline($cEle[0].firstChild)){ $cEle.children().each(function(){ var liChild = jQuery(this); if(t.isline(liChild[0])){ t.replaceTag(liChild, tag, true); return; } // TODO: Check and need to correct liChild.wrap('<' + tag + '/>'); liChild.next('br').remove(); }); return } $cEle.contents().wrapAll('<' + tag + '/>'); return; } t.replaceTag($cEle, tag, true); }); } // Get rid of pen temporary span's jQuery('[data-pts]', t.editor).contents().unwrap(); t.semanticCode(); t.restoreRange(); } blockNode( node ){ var t = this; while( !t.isline(node) && node != t.editor[0] ) { node = node.parentNode; } return node; } isline(node){ if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return false; if (node.childNodes.length === 0) return false; // Exclude embed blocks var style = window.getComputedStyle(node); return ['block', 'list-item'].indexOf(style.display) > -1; } replaceTag(ele, tag, copyAttr){ ele.wrap('<' + tag + '/>'); var par = ele.parent(); if(copyAttr){ jQuery.each(ele.prop('attributes'), function () { par.attr(this.name, this.value); }); } ele.contents().unwrap(); return par; } semanticCode(){ var t = this; t.semanticTag('b'); t.semanticTag('i'); t.semanticTag('s'); t.semanticTag('strike'); t.semanticTag('div', true); } semanticTag(oldTag, copyAttributes){ var t = this; var newTag; if(t.semantic != null && typeof t.semantic === 'object' && t.semantic.hasOwnProperty(oldTag)){ newTag = t.semantic[oldTag]; } else if (t.DEFAULT_SEMANTIC_MAP.hasOwnProperty(oldTag)) { newTag = t.DEFAULT_SEMANTIC_MAP[oldTag]; } else { return; } jQuery(oldTag, t.editor).each(function () { var $oldTag = jQuery(this); if($oldTag.contents().length === 0) { return false; } t.replaceTag($oldTag, newTag, copyAttributes); }); } addEvents(){ // Add Events var t = this, editor = t.editor, ctrl = false, debounceButtonStatus; var showToolBar = function(){ var jEle = t.penHolder.children(':visible'); if(jEle.length < 1){ jEle = t.toolbar; } t.showPen(jEle); }; // Save rage editor.on('focusout', function(e){ if(t.destroyEd){ t.editor.removeClass('pagelayer-pen-focused'); t.range = null; return; } t.saveRange(); }); // Prevent to hide toolbar t.penHolder.on('mousedown', function(e){ // TODO: taget only require Element t.destroyEd = false; }); // On editor blur editor.on('blur', function(){ if(!t.destroyEd){ return; } t.destroy(); }); editor.on('keydown', function(){ t.penHolder.hide(); }); editor.on('mousedown', function(){ if(t.editor.attr('contenteditable') == 'true'){ t.showPen(); } }); editor.on('mouseup keyup keydown', function(e){ if ((!e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) || e.altKey) { setTimeout(function () { // "hold on" to the ctrl key for 50ms ctrl = false; }, 50); } clearTimeout(debounceButtonStatus); debounceButtonStatus = setTimeout(function () { t.updateButtonStatus(); }, 50); }); // Set focus on editor editor.on('click', function(e){ if(t.editor.hasClass('pagelayer-pen-focused')){ return; } t.editor.attr('contenteditable', 'true'); t.editor.focus(); }); // Set focus on editor editor.on('focus', function(){ t.destroyEd = true; t.addToolbar(); t.showPen(); t.editor.addClass('pagelayer-pen-focused'); jQuery(window).unbind('scroll.penToobar'); jQuery(window).on('scroll.penToobar', showToolBar); jQuery(document).unbind('mousemove.penToobar'); jQuery(document).on('mousemove.penToobar', showToolBar); }); t.semanticCode(); } destroy(){ var t = this; //t.editor.attr('contenteditable', ''); t.penHolder.hide(); // Removing event listeners jQuery(document).unbind('mousemove.penToobar'); jQuery(window).unbind('scroll.penToobar'); } hasFocus(){ var t = this; return ( t.doc.activeElement === t.editor || t.contains( t.editor[0], t.doc.activeElement) ); } contains(parent, descendant) { try { // Firefox inserts inaccessible nodes around video elements descendant.parentNode; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions } catch (e) { return false; } return parent.contains(descendant); } saveRange(){ var t = this, selection = t.doc.getSelection(); t.range = null; if (!selection || !selection.rangeCount) { return; } var savedRange = t.range = selection.getRangeAt(0), range = t.doc.createRange(), rangeStart; range.selectNodeContents(t.editor[0]); range.setEnd(savedRange.startContainer, savedRange.startOffset); rangeStart = (range + '').length; t.metaRange = { start: rangeStart, end: rangeStart + (savedRange + '').length }; } restoreRange(){ var t = this, metaRange = t.metaRange, savedRange = t.range, selection = t.doc.getSelection(), range; if(!savedRange){ return; } if(metaRange && metaRange.start !== metaRange.end){ // Algorithm from http://jsfiddle.net/WeWy7/3/ var charIndex = 0, nodeStack = [t.editor[0]], node, foundStart = false, stop = false; range = t.doc.createRange(); while(!stop && (node = nodeStack.pop())){ if (node.nodeType === 3){ var nextCharIndex = charIndex + node.length; if (!foundStart && metaRange.start >= charIndex && metaRange.start <= nextCharIndex) { range.setStart(node, metaRange.start - charIndex); foundStart = true; } if (foundStart && metaRange.end >= charIndex && metaRange.end <= nextCharIndex) { range.setEnd(node, metaRange.end - charIndex); stop = true; } charIndex = nextCharIndex; } else { var cn = node.childNodes, i = cn.length; while (i > 0) { i -= 1; nodeStack.push(cn[i]); } } } } selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range || savedRange); } getRange(){ var t = this; var selection = t.doc.getSelection(); if (selection == null || selection.rangeCount <= 0) return null; var range = selection.getRangeAt(0); if(range == null) return null; return range; } getRangeText(range){ return range + ''; } focus(){ var t = this; if(t.hasFocus()) return; t.editor.click(); t.editor.focus(); t.restoreRange(); } getBounds(range){ var rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); return { bottom: rect.top + rect.height, height: rect.height, left: rect.left, right: rect.right, top: rect.top, width: 0 }; } showPen(jEle){ var t = this; jEle = jEle || jQuery(t.toolbar); var toolBar = jQuery(t.penHolder); var tooltipHeight = parseInt(toolBar.css('height')); var range = null; if(! t.hasFocus() && t.range != null){ range = t.range; }else{ range = t.getRange(); } if(range == null){ toolBar.hide(); return; } // Set left of toolbar var editorOffset = t.editor[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var editorTop = editorOffset.top; var editorLeft = editorOffset.left; var editorbottom = editorTop + editorOffset.height - tooltipHeight; var toolBarTop = editorTop - 10; var bound = t.getBounds(range); if(bound.height == 0 && bound.top == 0 && bound.left == 0){ toolBar.hide(); return; } var boundTop = bound.top - 15; // Set top of toolbar if( boundTop - tooltipHeight < 0 && bound.bottom > -5){ toolBarTop = bound.bottom + tooltipHeight + 15; }else if( editorbottom - 30 < 0 ){ toolBarTop = editorbottom + 20; }else if( toolBarTop - tooltipHeight < 0 ){ toolBarTop = tooltipHeight + 10; } // Show Toolbar toolBar.children().hide(); toolBar.show(); jEle.show(); // Set top of toolbar toolBar.css('top', toolBarTop); // Set left of toobar var docW = jQuery(window).width() - 10; var toolW = toolBar.width(); var edW = t.editor.width(); if(toolW > edW){ editorLeft = editorLeft - (toolW - edW) / 2 } toolBar.css('left', editorLeft+'px'); var tooltipLeft = toolBar.offset().left; if(tooltipLeft < 0){ toolBar.css('left', '1px'); } var toolRight = tooltipLeft + toolW; if(docW < toolRight){ toolBar.css('left', tooltipLeft - (toolRight - docW)+'px'); } } getContent(){ var editor = this.editor; var html = editor.html(); return html; } setContent(html){ var t = this; html = html || ''; t.editor.html(html); t.editor.trigger('input'); } updateButtonStatus(){ var t = this, toolbar = jQuery(t.toolbar), tags = t.getTagsRecursive(t.doc.getSelection().focusNode), activeClasses = 'pagelayer-pen-active'; jQuery('.' + activeClasses, toolbar).removeClass(activeClasses); jQuery.each(tags, function (i, tag){ var btnName; if(pagelayer_is_string(tag)){ btnName = t.tagToButton[tag.toLowerCase()]; }else{ btnName = t.tagToButton[Object.keys(tag)[0].toLowerCase()] } var $btn = jQuery('[data-format="'+btnName+'"]', toolbar); if($btn.length < 1){ return; } if($btn.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label').length > 0){ $btn.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label').addClass(activeClasses); return; } $btn.addClass(activeClasses); }); } getTagsRecursive(element, tags) { var t = this; var jEle = jQuery(element); tags = tags || (element && element.tagName ? [element.tagName] : []); if (element && element.parentNode) { element = element.parentNode; } else { return tags; } var tag = element.tagName; // Is this editor if (tag === 'DIV') { return tags; } // TODO: for all block element if (tag === 'P' && element.style.textAlign !== '') { tags.push(element.style.textAlign); } jQuery.each(t.tagHandlers, function (i, tagHandler) { tags = tags.concat(tagHandler(element, t)); }); tags.push(tag); var styles = jEle.attr('style'); if(!pagelayer_empty(styles)){ var styles = styles.split(';'); jQuery.each(styles, function(i, style){ style = style.split(':'); var ss = String(style[0]).trim(); var vv = String(style[1]).trim(); if(pagelayer_empty(ss) || ss in tags && !pagelayer_empty(tags[ss])){ return; } var obj = {}; obj[ss] = vv; tags.push(obj); }); } return t.getTagsRecursive(element, tags).filter(function (tag) { return tag != null; }); } buildDropdown(select){ var t = this; var fixIcon = ''; select = jQuery(select); var format = select.data('format'); var selAtts = ''; var options = ''; var optId = `pagelayer-pen-picker-options-${t.optionsCounter}`; t.optionsCounter += 1; Array.from(select[0].attributes).forEach(item => { selAtts += ' '+item.name+'="'+ item.value +'"'; }); Array.from(select[0].options).forEach(option => { var attrs = ''; var val = ''; var itemInner = ''; if(option.hasAttribute('value')){ val = option.getAttribute('value'); attrs += ' data-value="'+val+'"'; } if(option.textContent){ attrs += ' data-label="'+option.textContent+'"'; } // Set icon if('icon' in t.handlers[format] && typeof t.handlers[format]['icon'] == 'object' && !pagelayer_empty(t.handlers[format]['icon'][val])){ itemInner = t.handlers[format]['icon'][val]; } options += `${itemInner}`; }); if('fixIcon' in t.handlers[format]){ fixIcon = t.handlers[format]['fixIcon']; } var customInpute = ''; if('customInpute' in t.handlers[format] && !pagelayer_empty(t.handlers[format]['customInpute'])){ customInpute = ''; } var container = jQuery(` `); container.addClass('pagelayer-pen-picker'); select.before(container); select.hide(); var close = function(cEle){ cEle.removeClass('pagelayer-pen-expanded'); cEle.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label').attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); cEle.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-options').attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); } var selectItem = function(item, trigger = false){ var selected = container.find('.pagelayer-pen-selected'); var label = container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label'); var val = ''; if (item === selected) return; if (selected != null) { selected.removeClass('pagelayer-pen-selected'); } if(item == null) return; item.classList.add('pagelayer-pen-selected'); select.selectedIndex = Array.from(item.parentNode.children).indexOf( item, ); if (item.hasAttribute('data-value')) { val = item.getAttribute('data-value'); label.attr('data-value', val); } else { label.attr('data-value', val); } if (item.hasAttribute('data-label')) { label.attr('data-label', item.getAttribute('data-label')); } else { label.attr('data-label', ''); } if(!fixIcon){ label.html(item.innerHTML); } if(trigger) { select.val(val); select.trigger('change'); close(container); } } var toggleAriaAttribute = function(element, attribute) { element.setAttribute( attribute, !(element.getAttribute(attribute) === 'true'), ); } var togglePicker = function() { container.toggleClass('pagelayer-pen-expanded'); // Toggle aria-expanded and aria-hidden to make the picker accessible toggleAriaAttribute(container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label')[0], 'aria-expanded'); toggleAriaAttribute(container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-options')[0], 'aria-hidden'); } container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-item').on('click', function(){ selectItem(this, true); close(container); }); container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label').on('click', function(){ togglePicker(); }); container.find('.pagelayer-pen-custom-input').on('focusout keydown', function(e){ if(e.type == 'keydown' && e.keyCode != 13){ return; } e.preventDefault(); var val = jQuery(this).val(); if(pagelayer_empty(val)){ return; } var opt = select.find('option.pagelayer-pen-custom-value'); 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