/* Pagelayer Pen editor */ var pagelayer_customColor = ["#000000", "#e60000", "#ff9900", "#ffff00", "#008a00", "#0066cc", "#9933ff", "#ffffff", "#facccc", "#ffebcc", "#ffffcc", "#cce8cc", "#cce0f5", "#ebd6ff", "#bbbbbb", "#f06666", "#ffc266", "#ffff66", "#66b966", "#66a3e0", "#c285ff", "#888888", "#a10000", "#b26b00", "#b2b200", "#006100", "#0047b2", "#6b24b2", "#444444", "#5c0000", "#663d00", "#666600", "#003700", "#002966", "#3d1466"]; var pagelayer_pen_sizeList = ['normal', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large']; var pagelayer_pen_lineHeight = ['0.9', '1', '1.5', '2.0', '2.5','3.0', '3.5', '4.0', '4.5', '5.0']; class PagelayerPen{ constructor(jEle, options) { var t = this; t.editor = jQuery(jEle); t.options = options; // Get the document of the element. It use to makes the plugin // compatible on iframes. t.doc = jEle.ownerDocument || document; t.tagToButton = {}; t.optionsCounter = 0; t.destroyEd = true; t.semantic = null; t.DEFAULT_SEMANTIC_MAP = { 'b': 'strong', 'i': 'em', 's': 'strike', //'strike': 'del', 'div': 'p' }; // Init editor t.addHandlers(); t.init(); } init(){ var t = this; // Init Editor t.editor.addClass('pagelayer-pen'); t.penHolder = t.addContainer(); t.addEvents(); } addHandlers(){ // TODO : Add for custom plugins // TODO remove all execCommands this.handlers = { bold:{ tag: 'STRONG', icon: '' }, italic:{ tag: 'EM', icon: '' }, underline:{ tag: 'U', icon: '' }, strike:{ tag: 'strike', fn: 'strikethrough', icon: '' }, h1:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H1' }, h2:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H2' }, h3:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H3' }, h4:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H4' }, h5:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H5' }, h6:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H6' }, p:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: '' }, blockquote:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: '' }, formating:{ fn: 'formatBlock', fixIcon: '' }, unorderedlist:{ tag: 'UL', fn: 'insertUnorderedList', icon: '' }, orderedlist:{ tag: 'OL', fn: 'insertOrderedList', icon: '' }, sub:{ tag: 'sub', fn: 'subscript', icon: '' }, super:{ tag: 'sup', fn: 'superscript', icon: '' }, link:{ fn: 'setLinkHandler', tag: 'a', icon: '', }, image:{ fn: 'imageBtnHandler', icon: '' }, align:{ style: 'text-align', fn: 'formatBlock', icon: { 'left': '', 'center': '', 'right': '', 'justify': '', } }, color:{ class: 'pagelayer-pen-color-picker', style: 'color', fn: 'commandHandler', fixIcon: ' ', buildBtn : 'buildColorBtnHandler', default : pagelayer_customColor, customInpute: true }, background:{ class: 'pagelayer-pen-color-picker', style: 'background-color', fn: 'commandHandler', fixIcon: ' ', buildBtn: 'buildColorBtnHandler', default : pagelayer_customColor, customInpute: true }, size:{ class: 'pagelayer-pen-size-picker', style: 'font-size', fn: 'commandHandler', default : pagelayer_pen_sizeList, customInpute: true }, lineheight:{ style: 'line-height', fn: 'commandHandler', fixIcon: '', default : pagelayer_pen_lineHeight, customInpute: true }, font:{ style: 'font-family', fn: 'commandHandler', fixIcon: '', default : pagelayer_fonts, buildBtn : 'buildfontBtnHandler', }, viewHTML:{ fn: 'viewHTMLBtnHandler', icon: '' }, removeformat:{ icon: '' } } } addContainer(className){ className = className || false; // Add Container var container = jQuery('.pagelayer-pen-holder'); if(container.length < 1){ jQuery('body').append('
'); container = jQuery('.pagelayer-pen-holder'); } if(!className){ return container; } if(container.find('.'+className).length < 1){ container.append('
'); } return container.find('.'+className); } addToolbar(){ // Add Toolbar var t = this; var groups = t.options.toolbar; var toolbar = t.toolbar = t.addContainer('pagelayer-pen-toolbar'); // Make it empty toolbar.empty(); if (!Array.isArray(groups[0])) { groups = [groups]; } var addButton = function(container, format, value){ var btn = t.handlers[format]; var icon = ''; if('icon' in btn){ var _icon = btn['icon']; if(typeof _icon == 'object' && !pagelayer_empty(_icon[value])){ icon = _icon[value]; }else if(typeof icon == 'string'){ icon = _icon; } } var input = document.createElement('button'); input.setAttribute('type', 'button'); input.setAttribute('data-format', format); input.classList.add('pagelayer-pen-' + format); if('class' in btn){ input.classList.add(btn['class']); } if( pagelayer_empty(value) && 'default' in btn ){ value = btn['default']; } input.innerHTML = icon; if(value != null) { input.value = value; } container.appendChild(input); } var createoption = function(val, lang, type){ type = type || ''; var lang = pagelayer_empty(lang) ? 'Default' : lang; return ''; } var addSelect = function(container, format, values) { var input = document.createElement('select'); input.classList.add('pagelayer-pen-' + format); if('class' in t.handlers[format]){ input.classList.add(t.handlers[format]['class']); } input.setAttribute('data-format', format); if( pagelayer_empty(values) && 'default' in t.handlers[format] ){ values = t.handlers[format]['default']; } for(var kk in values){ var options = ''; var value = values[kk]; if(typeof value == 'object') { if(kk != 'default'){ options += ''; } for(y in value){ options += createoption((jQuery.isNumeric(y) ? value[y] : x), value[y], kk); } }else if(value !== false) { options += createoption(value, value); } else { options += createoption('', ''); } jQuery(input).append(options); } container.appendChild(input); } groups.forEach(function(controls){ var group = document.createElement('span'); group.classList.add('pagelayer-pen-formats'); controls.forEach(function (control){ var format = control; if(typeof control === 'object'){ format = Object.keys(control)[0]; } if( pagelayer_empty(t.handlers[format]) ){ return; } if( typeof control === 'string' ){ addButton(group, control); } else { var value = control[format]; if (Array.isArray(value)) { addSelect(group, format, value); } else { addButton(group, format, value); } } var btn = t.handlers[format]; t.tagToButton[(btn.tag || btn.style || format).toLowerCase()] = format; }); // TODO skip if format is not exist toolbar[0].appendChild(group); }); toolbar.find('button').on('click', function(){ var bEle = jQuery(this); var format = bEle.data('format'); if(! format in t.handlers){ return; } var btn = t.handlers[format]; t.currentFormat = format; t.execCmd(btn.fn || format, btn.param || format, btn.forceCss); }); toolbar.find('select').on('change', function(e){ var bEle = jQuery(this); var format = bEle.data('format'); var val = bEle.val(); if(! format in t.handlers){ return; } var btn = t.handlers[format]; t.currentFormat = format; t.execCmd(btn.fn || format, val, btn.forceCss); }); toolbar.find('select').each(function(){ var format = jQuery(this).data('format'); if('buildBtn' in t.handlers[format]){ try{ t[t.handlers[format]['buildBtn']](this); }catch(e){ try{ t.handlers[format]['buildBtn'](this); }catch(e2){ t.buildDropdown(this); } } return true; } t.buildDropdown(this); }); // Add close button toolbar.append(''); // Hide editor on click close tool handler toolbar.find('.pagelayer-pen-close').on('mousedown', function(e){ //e.preventDefault(); t.destroyEd = true; t.editor.trigger('blur'); }); } execCmd(cmd, param, forceCss, skipPen){ var t = this; skipPen = !!skipPen || ''; if(cmd !== 'dropdown'){ t.focus(); t.restoreRange(); } try{ document.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, forceCss || false); }catch(c){} try{ t[cmd + skipPen](param); }catch(c){ try{ cmd(param); }catch(e2){ if(cmd === 'insertHorizontalRule'){ param = undefined; }else if (cmd === 'formatBlock'){ // TODO: check for && t.isIE param = '<' + param + '>'; } document.execCommand(cmd, false, param); t.semanticCode(); t.restoreRange(); } } if(cmd !== 'dropdown'){ t.updateButtonStatus(); t.editor.trigger('input'); } } commandHandler(value){ var t = this; var format = t.currentFormat; if( pagelayer_empty(format) ){ return; } var btn = t.handlers[format]; var sel = window.getSelection(); var text = t.range.commonAncestorContainer; var selectedText = t.range.cloneContents(); selectedText = jQuery('
').append(selectedText).html(); // Also select the tag if(text.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE){ text = text.parentNode; } if (text.innerHTML === selectedText && text != t.editor[0]) { var ele = jQuery(text); if('tag' in btn){ // Replace tag }else if('style' in btn){ var style = {}; style[btn.style] = value; ele.css(style); }else if('atts' in btn){ // Add attribute or toggle the element } } else { // TODO for toggle tags and add tags var html = jQuery('' + selectedText + ''); // Remove style from all childrend var style = {}; style[btn.style] = ''; html.find('[style]').css(style); // TODO: remove span element that have no atts var node = html[0]; var firstInsertedNode = node.firstChild; var lastInsertedNode = node.lastChild; t.range.deleteContents(); t.range.insertNode(node); if(firstInsertedNode) { t.range.setStartBefore(firstInsertedNode); t.range.setEndAfter(lastInsertedNode); } // Is previous element empty? var prev = jQuery(node).prev(); if( prev.length > 0 && prev.is(':empty') ){ prev.remove(); } } sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(t.range); } formatBlock(value){ var t = this, format = t.currentFormat, btn = t.handlers[format], startNode = t.range.startContainer, endNode = t.range.endContainer; if( startNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && startNode.parentNode != t.editor[0] ){ startNode = startNode.parentNode; } if( endNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && endNode.parentNode != t.editor[0] ){ endNode = endNode.parentNode; } // TODO: only for seleced content // Wrap text nodes in span for easier processing t.editor.contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeType === 3 && this.nodeValue.trim().length > 0; }).wrap(''); var isLineEnd = function(lEle){ return lEle == null || lEle.nodeName == 'BR' || t.isline(lEle); } var wrapLine = function(pLine){ var pLine = jQuery(pLine), lineFele, lineEele, finalP; // Get Parent Element if(pLine.parentsUntil(t.editor).length > 0){ pLine = pLine.parentsUntil(t.editor).last(); } if(t.isline(pLine)){ return pLine; } // Get line first element if(isLineEnd(pLine[0].previousSibling)){ lineFele = pLine; }else{ lineFele = pLine.prevAll().filter(function(){ return isLineEnd(this.previousSibling); }).first(); } // Get line last element if(isLineEnd(lineFele[0].nextSibling)){ lineEele = lineFele; }else{ lineEele = lineFele.nextAll().filter(function(){ return isLineEnd(this.nextSibling); }).first(); } // Wrap all with p tag if(lineFele.is(lineEele)){ finalP = lineFele.wrap('

').parent() }else{ finalP = lineFele.nextUntil(lineEele.next()).addBack().wrapAll('

').parent(); } finalP.next('br').remove(); return finalP; } // Get start block lavel elements var $sNode = jQuery(t.blockNode(startNode)); if($sNode.is(t.editor)){ $sNode = wrapLine(startNode); } var $eNode = jQuery(t.blockNode(endNode)); if($eNode.is(t.editor)){ $eNode = wrapLine(endNode); } var $oldEle = $sNode; if(! $sNode.is($eNode) ){ var findEnd = false; var addElement = function(addEle){ if(addEle[0].nodeName == 'UL' || addEle[0].nodeName == 'OL') { addEle.children().each(function(){ $oldEle = $oldEle.add(jQuery(this)); }); return; } $oldEle = $oldEle.add(addEle); } var wrapAllEle = function(nextEle){ if(nextEle.is($eNode) || nextEle.find($eNode).length > 0){ findEnd = true; return; } if(nextEle.length < 1){ return; } if(!t.isline(nextEle[0])){ nextEle = wrapLine(nextEle); } addElement(nextEle); wrapAllEle( nextEle.next() ); } wrapAllEle($sNode.next()); // Is start Element have a another parent var pars = $sNode.parentsUntil(t.editor); pars.each(function(){ var $par = jQuery(this); wrapAllEle($par.next()); }); if( pars.length > 0 ){ $sNode = pars.last(); } var nextEnd = $sNode.nextAll().filter(function(){ return jQuery(this).is($eNode) || jQuery(this).find($eNode).length > 0; }).first(); // Add elements if( nextEnd.length > 0 ){ var $nextEle = $sNode.nextUntil(nextEnd); $nextEle.each(function(){ var ulEle = jQuery(this); if($oldEle.has(ulEle)) return; addElement(ulEle); }); } // Add end element if(nextEnd.length > 0 && !nextEnd.is($eNode) && (nextEnd[0].nodeName == 'UL' || nextEnd[0].nodeName == 'OL')){ nextEnd.children().each(function(){ var li = jQuery(this); $oldEle = $oldEle.add(li); if(li.is($eNode) || li.find($eNode).length > 0) return false; }); }else{ $oldEle = $oldEle.add($eNode); } } if('style' in btn){ var style = {}; style[btn.style] = value; $oldEle.css(style); }else if('atts' in btn){ // Add attribute or toggle the element var attr = {}; attr[btn.atts] = value; $oldEle.attr(attr); }else{ // Replace tag var tag = value.toLowerCase(); // need to find all block ele and replace this $oldEle.each( function(){ var $cEle = jQuery(this); if($cEle.is(t.editor)){ return; } // Is List element if($cEle.css('display') == 'list-item'){ if( t.isline($cEle[0].firstChild)){ $cEle.children().each(function(){ var liChild = jQuery(this); if(t.isline(liChild[0])){ t.replaceTag(liChild, tag, true); return; } // TODO: Check and need to correct liChild.wrap('<' + tag + '/>'); liChild.next('br').remove(); }); return } $cEle.contents().wrapAll('<' + tag + '/>'); return; } t.replaceTag($cEle, tag, true); }); } // Get rid of pen temporary span's jQuery('[data-pts]', t.editor).contents().unwrap(); t.semanticCode(); t.restoreRange(); } blockNode( node ){ var t = this; while( !t.isline(node) && node != t.editor[0] ) { node = node.parentNode; } return node; } isline(node){ if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return false; if (node.childNodes.length === 0) return false; // Exclude embed blocks var style = window.getComputedStyle(node); return ['block', 'list-item'].indexOf(style.display) > -1; } replaceTag(ele, tag, copyAttr){ ele.wrap('<' + tag + '/>'); var par = ele.parent(); if(copyAttr){ jQuery.each(ele.prop('attributes'), function () { par.attr(this.name, this.value); }); } ele.contents().unwrap(); return par; } semanticCode(){ var t = this; t.semanticTag('b'); t.semanticTag('i'); t.semanticTag('s'); t.semanticTag('strike'); t.semanticTag('div', true); } semanticTag(oldTag, copyAttributes){ var t = this; var newTag; if(t.semantic != null && typeof t.semantic === 'object' && t.semantic.hasOwnProperty(oldTag)){ newTag = t.semantic[oldTag]; } else if (t.DEFAULT_SEMANTIC_MAP.hasOwnProperty(oldTag)) { newTag = t.DEFAULT_SEMANTIC_MAP[oldTag]; } else { return; } jQuery(oldTag, t.editor).each(function () { var $oldTag = jQuery(this); if($oldTag.contents().length === 0) { return false; } t.replaceTag($oldTag, newTag, copyAttributes); }); } addEvents(){ // Add Events var t = this, editor = t.editor, ctrl = false, debounceButtonStatus; var showToolBar = function(){ var jEle = t.penHolder.children(':visible'); if(jEle.length < 1){ jEle = t.toolbar; } t.showPen(jEle); }; // Save rage editor.on('focusout', function(e){ if(t.destroyEd){ t.editor.removeClass('pagelayer-pen-focused'); t.range = null; return; } t.saveRange(); }); // Prevent to hide toolbar t.penHolder.on('mousedown', function(e){ // TODO: taget only require Element t.destroyEd = false; }); // On editor blur editor.on('blur', function(){ if(!t.destroyEd){ return; } t.destroy(); }); editor.on('keydown', function(){ t.penHolder.hide(); }); editor.on('mousedown', function(){ if(t.editor.attr('contenteditable') == 'true'){ t.showPen(); } }); editor.on('mouseup keyup keydown', function(e){ if ((!e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) || e.altKey) { setTimeout(function () { // "hold on" to the ctrl key for 50ms ctrl = false; }, 50); } clearTimeout(debounceButtonStatus); debounceButtonStatus = setTimeout(function () { t.updateButtonStatus(); }, 50); }); // Set focus on editor editor.on('click', function(e){ if(t.editor.hasClass('pagelayer-pen-focused')){ return; } t.editor.attr('contenteditable', 'true'); t.editor.focus(); }); // Set focus on editor editor.on('focus', function(){ t.destroyEd = true; t.addToolbar(); t.showPen(); t.editor.addClass('pagelayer-pen-focused'); jQuery(window).unbind('scroll.penToobar'); jQuery(window).on('scroll.penToobar', showToolBar); jQuery(document).unbind('mousemove.penToobar'); jQuery(document).on('mousemove.penToobar', showToolBar); }); t.semanticCode(); } destroy(){ var t = this; //t.editor.attr('contenteditable', ''); t.penHolder.hide(); // Removing event listeners jQuery(document).unbind('mousemove.penToobar'); jQuery(window).unbind('scroll.penToobar'); } hasFocus(){ var t = this; return ( t.doc.activeElement === t.editor || t.contains( t.editor[0], t.doc.activeElement) ); } contains(parent, descendant) { try { // Firefox inserts inaccessible nodes around video elements descendant.parentNode; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions } catch (e) { return false; } return parent.contains(descendant); } saveRange(){ var t = this, selection = t.doc.getSelection(); t.range = null; if (!selection || !selection.rangeCount) { return; } var savedRange = t.range = selection.getRangeAt(0), range = t.doc.createRange(), rangeStart; range.selectNodeContents(t.editor[0]); range.setEnd(savedRange.startContainer, savedRange.startOffset); rangeStart = (range + '').length; t.metaRange = { start: rangeStart, end: rangeStart + (savedRange + '').length }; } restoreRange(){ var t = this, metaRange = t.metaRange, savedRange = t.range, selection = t.doc.getSelection(), range; if(!savedRange){ return; } if(metaRange && metaRange.start !== metaRange.end){ // Algorithm from http://jsfiddle.net/WeWy7/3/ var charIndex = 0, nodeStack = [t.editor[0]], node, foundStart = false, stop = false; range = t.doc.createRange(); while(!stop && (node = nodeStack.pop())){ if (node.nodeType === 3){ var nextCharIndex = charIndex + node.length; if (!foundStart && metaRange.start >= charIndex && metaRange.start <= nextCharIndex) { range.setStart(node, metaRange.start - charIndex); foundStart = true; } if (foundStart && metaRange.end >= charIndex && metaRange.end <= nextCharIndex) { range.setEnd(node, metaRange.end - charIndex); stop = true; } charIndex = nextCharIndex; } else { var cn = node.childNodes, i = cn.length; while (i > 0) { i -= 1; nodeStack.push(cn[i]); } } } } selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range || savedRange); } getRange(){ var t = this; var selection = t.doc.getSelection(); if (selection == null || selection.rangeCount <= 0) return null; var range = selection.getRangeAt(0); if(range == null) return null; return range; } getRangeText(range){ return range + ''; } focus(){ var t = this; if(t.hasFocus()) return; t.editor.click(); t.editor.focus(); t.restoreRange(); } getBounds(range){ var rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); return { bottom: rect.top + rect.height, height: rect.height, left: rect.left, right: rect.right, top: rect.top, width: 0 }; } showPen(jEle){ var t = this; jEle = jEle || jQuery(t.toolbar); var toolBar = jQuery(t.penHolder); var tooltipHeight = parseInt(toolBar.css('height')); var range = null; if(! t.hasFocus() && t.range != null){ range = t.range; }else{ range = t.getRange(); } if(range == null){ toolBar.hide(); return; } // Set left of toolbar var editorOffset = t.editor[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var editorTop = editorOffset.top; var editorLeft = editorOffset.left; var editorbottom = editorTop + editorOffset.height - tooltipHeight; var toolBarTop = editorTop - 10; var bound = t.getBounds(range); if(bound.height == 0 && bound.top == 0 && bound.left == 0){ toolBar.hide(); return; } var boundTop = bound.top - 15; // Set top of toolbar if( boundTop - tooltipHeight < 0 && bound.bottom > -5){ toolBarTop = bound.bottom + tooltipHeight + 15; }else if( editorbottom - 30 < 0 ){ toolBarTop = editorbottom + 20; }else if( toolBarTop - tooltipHeight < 0 ){ toolBarTop = tooltipHeight + 10; } // Show Toolbar toolBar.children().hide(); toolBar.show(); jEle.show(); // Set top of toolbar toolBar.css('top', toolBarTop); // Set left of toobar var docW = jQuery(window).width() - 10; var toolW = toolBar.width(); var edW = t.editor.width(); if(toolW > edW){ editorLeft = editorLeft - (toolW - edW) / 2 } toolBar.css('left', editorLeft+'px'); var tooltipLeft = toolBar.offset().left; if(tooltipLeft < 0){ toolBar.css('left', '1px'); } var toolRight = tooltipLeft + toolW; if(docW < toolRight){ toolBar.css('left', tooltipLeft - (toolRight - docW)+'px'); } } getContent(){ var editor = this.editor; var html = editor.html(); return html; } setContent(html){ var t = this; html = html || ''; t.editor.html(html); t.editor.trigger('input'); } updateButtonStatus(){ var t = this, toolbar = jQuery(t.toolbar), tags = t.getTagsRecursive(t.doc.getSelection().focusNode), activeClasses = 'pagelayer-pen-active'; jQuery('.' + activeClasses, toolbar).removeClass(activeClasses); jQuery.each(tags, function (i, tag){ var btnName; if(pagelayer_is_string(tag)){ btnName = t.tagToButton[tag.toLowerCase()]; }else{ btnName = t.tagToButton[Object.keys(tag)[0].toLowerCase()] } var $btn = jQuery('[data-format="'+btnName+'"]', toolbar); if($btn.length < 1){ return; } if($btn.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label').length > 0){ $btn.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label').addClass(activeClasses); return; } $btn.addClass(activeClasses); }); } getTagsRecursive(element, tags) { var t = this; var jEle = jQuery(element); tags = tags || (element && element.tagName ? [element.tagName] : []); if (element && element.parentNode) { element = element.parentNode; } else { return tags; } var tag = element.tagName; // Is this editor if (tag === 'DIV') { return tags; } // TODO: for all block element if (tag === 'P' && element.style.textAlign !== '') { tags.push(element.style.textAlign); } jQuery.each(t.tagHandlers, function (i, tagHandler) { tags = tags.concat(tagHandler(element, t)); }); tags.push(tag); var styles = jEle.attr('style'); if(!pagelayer_empty(styles)){ var styles = styles.split(';'); jQuery.each(styles, function(i, style){ style = style.split(':'); var ss = String(style[0]).trim(); var vv = String(style[1]).trim(); if(pagelayer_empty(ss) || ss in tags && !pagelayer_empty(tags[ss])){ return; } var obj = {}; obj[ss] = vv; tags.push(obj); }); } return t.getTagsRecursive(element, tags).filter(function (tag) { return tag != null; }); } buildDropdown(select){ var t = this; var fixIcon = ''; select = jQuery(select); var format = select.data('format'); var selAtts = ''; var options = ''; var optId = `pagelayer-pen-picker-options-${t.optionsCounter}`; t.optionsCounter += 1; Array.from(select[0].attributes).forEach(item => { selAtts += ' '+item.name+'="'+ item.value +'"'; }); Array.from(select[0].options).forEach(option => { var attrs = ''; var val = ''; var itemInner = ''; if(option.hasAttribute('value')){ val = option.getAttribute('value'); attrs += ' data-value="'+val+'"'; } if(option.textContent){ attrs += ' data-label="'+option.textContent+'"'; } // Set icon if('icon' in t.handlers[format] && typeof t.handlers[format]['icon'] == 'object' && !pagelayer_empty(t.handlers[format]['icon'][val])){ itemInner = t.handlers[format]['icon'][val]; } options += `${itemInner}`; }); if('fixIcon' in t.handlers[format]){ fixIcon = t.handlers[format]['fixIcon']; } var customInpute = ''; if('customInpute' in t.handlers[format] && !pagelayer_empty(t.handlers[format]['customInpute'])){ customInpute = ''; } var container = jQuery(` `); container.addClass('pagelayer-pen-picker'); select.before(container); select.hide(); var close = function(cEle){ cEle.removeClass('pagelayer-pen-expanded'); cEle.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label').attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); cEle.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-options').attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); } var selectItem = function(item, trigger = false){ var selected = container.find('.pagelayer-pen-selected'); var label = container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label'); var val = ''; if (item === selected) return; if (selected != null) { selected.removeClass('pagelayer-pen-selected'); } if(item == null) return; item.classList.add('pagelayer-pen-selected'); select.selectedIndex = Array.from(item.parentNode.children).indexOf( item, ); if (item.hasAttribute('data-value')) { val = item.getAttribute('data-value'); label.attr('data-value', val); } else { label.attr('data-value', val); } if (item.hasAttribute('data-label')) { label.attr('data-label', item.getAttribute('data-label')); } else { label.attr('data-label', ''); } if(!fixIcon){ label.html(item.innerHTML); } if(trigger) { select.val(val); select.trigger('change'); close(container); } } var toggleAriaAttribute = function(element, attribute) { element.setAttribute( attribute, !(element.getAttribute(attribute) === 'true'), ); } var togglePicker = function() { container.toggleClass('pagelayer-pen-expanded'); // Toggle aria-expanded and aria-hidden to make the picker accessible toggleAriaAttribute(container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label')[0], 'aria-expanded'); toggleAriaAttribute(container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-options')[0], 'aria-hidden'); } container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-item').on('click', function(){ selectItem(this, true); close(container); }); container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label').on('click', function(){ togglePicker(); }); container.find('.pagelayer-pen-custom-input').on('focusout keydown', function(e){ if(e.type == 'keydown' && e.keyCode != 13){ return; } e.preventDefault(); var val = jQuery(this).val(); if(pagelayer_empty(val)){ return; } var opt = select.find('option.pagelayer-pen-custom-value'); 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No Down Payment Free Spins At Australian Casinos In 202

No Down Payment Free Spins At Australian Casinos In 2024

Free Spins No Deposit 2024 Total List Of Dependable Aussie Sites

All no deposit totally free spins offers for Australian players usually are gathered about this web page. Players sometimes overlook to add the particular bonus code and even apply for this specific promotion. They would likely not claim typically the promotion due to the shortage of attention.

  • It is the casino’s way involving rewarding its existing players with cost-free spins, and virtually any winnings are available for withdrawal.
  • It lets you consider it out plus decide whether it is a web site you want to continue playing at.
  • Register through our unique benefit link to declare yours today; there’s does not require a added bonus code,” “the process even a lot more straightforward.

No deposit free spins carry out not require that you make any type of” “downpayment to claim all of them. They are totally free and they just get deposited into your consideration as a surprise from the gambling establishment. Yes, Free Rotates are often appropriate for specific slot machine games, and Not any Deposit Bonuses may possibly only be applied on certain games.

Exploring Different Types Of No Deposit Bonuses

Though not really the most typical casino promotion out and about there, it’s easy to find if you know where to appear (like checking each of our site! ). As a rule, on line casino sites offer free rounds & bonus cash on your very first deposit. However, more and more Aussie casinos award free spins sign up not any deposit offer. All you need is usually to sign up with the website in order to play free slots with bonus plus free spins. Many Australian casinos offer you you a ample deposit bonus for any minimal first down payment.

  • With these offers, participants can enjoy the thrills of true money gaming with no risking any regarding their very own cash.
  • Additionally, it will be important to ensure the casino will be powered by a new legitimate software company and offers a range” “involving secure payment methods.
  • Initially a new support agent, the lady progressed to handling payments and teaching new staff” “in processing withdrawals plus KYC documents.
  • Once registered, players can begin taking advantage regarding these bonuses proper away.

They allow you to play and possibly win without producing a deposit. These bonuses can come as free cash, reward credits, or free of charge spins. They’re an effective way to test the casino’s games, program, and overall encounter risk-free. Like free” “moves, No Deposit Bonus deals feature wagering needs and also other terms. We carefully handpicked the top online on line casino free spins bonus deals on sign upward to ensure our own Aussie players possess no trouble using our exclusive offers. Unlike others which provide no downpayment free spins in Down under that may feature pitfalls, we stick to certain steps in order to make sure you obtain the best without the hindrance no deposit bonus codes.

Are No Deposit Free Rounds Available To Current Players?

You could” “state great promotions intended for popular games and in many cases get friendly betting conditions. If your rank is larger, like gold or diamond, you’ll drive more free spins, at times with no wagering demands. Seeking to acquire the most involving your web casino expertise in Australia? Here, in Spin Paradise, top casinos of Aussie iGaming market contend inside the size regarding free spins free casino bonuses they give to attract bettors. To keep lively players engaged, gambling establishment sites may offer a weekly cost-free spins bonus promo.

Some free spins may end up being worth 25¢ each and every, while others may be worth $1. When you will get free spins while part of a game promotion it frequently also comes in two components. And, if a person choose to create a deposit, you can claim more spins. Sometimes, you might get a couple of hundred free rounds as a welcome bonus, but is not all associated with them can end up being played at as soon as. For example, in case you get 2 hundred spins you may possibly get to try out 20 spins per day with regard to 10 consecutive days. If you could have typically the choice, always opt for free spin offers you can play at one time.

How We Level Australian Online Casinos Without Having Deposit Cost-free Spins

We seriously consider the particular terms of the bonus for any kind of loopholes or basic unfairness which may function against our participants. No deposit casino-free spins great trying out new pokies that pique your own interest. It basically lets you test drive the gambling establishment pokies before starting playing with deposits. However, pay attention in order to which particular pokie the spins usually are given. A examine released this 30 days found that 39% of all Australians enjoy football. Nevertheless, despite the fact that we wish to assist you in your look for to have an enjoyable wagering experience, we desire to prevent addictive use.

  • You also can claim distinctive bonuses and provides from the on line casino as an present customer.
  • It could be hard to be able to understand right after between them, but we are here to help.
  • When considering online casino bonus deals, there are lots of types available, each with it is own set of advantages and disadvantages.
  • How much this will be depending on just how lucky you are while spinning typically the pokie reels.
  • First, it is very important perform your research plus read reviews about the different on the internet casinos offering these bonuses.

So far it might appear a bit advanced, therefore let’s look through the other side. Imagine that an individual own a bonus card at the local supermarket, from each purchase you receive points that additional can be applied to pay. To buy a preferred bottle of wine with the particular help of this loyalty card, the particular” “client had to shop a couple of times for specific sums. The exact same story is along with wagering, its volume varies in each platform and is x5 or x50. Here the rule “The bigger — typically the better” doesn’t function since the larger wager the even more investments from the particular client are needed. Achieving no deposit free rounds in Australia usually means that they may end up being activated only on particular slots.

How On-line Pokies Free Moves Work

Weekly free spins bonuses and even promotions are available in order to keep you employed and active. This kind of bonus is actually a refill bonus, and that serves as an incentive for you in order to deposit and participate in at the casino. It can always be free rounds, free” “bonus money, free stop tickets, free lotto tickets, free loyalty points or anything else. A no downpayment free spins bonus, in the other side, can simply offer cost-free spins.

Lastly, create sure to compare the several bonuses offered by each gambling establishment so you can find the one that will offers the many value. By following these tips, a person can be sure you are getting typically the best offer accessible in Australia. Australian players have the opportunity to get real money with no deposit totally free spins. However, it’s important to” “evaluation the terms plus conditions of the provide, including any gambling requirements and get caps that may implement.

What Are No Deposit Free Spins?

It allows those to spin and rewrite the reels associated with selected pokies or play specific stand games without making a deposit. As title suggests, no first deposit free rounds are free of charge spins over a certain online slot video game that players can use without possessing to risk their own money. Typically, online casinos give you a specific number regarding free spins to brand new players, usually between 10 and 50. When it arrives to taking advantage of free bonus deals, it is important to understand the gambling requirements that” “feature them. Understanding gambling requirements is vital for players seeking to benefit from no deposit bonuses nationwide.

  • This bonus is sold with wagering requirements of 35x, which means an individual must wager it is value 35x ahead of you can pull away.
  • You’ll encounter no deposit free spin bonuses within different forms on your online casino journey.
  • Customers can easily get acquainted together with them or increase their top-choices along with fascinating supplements.
  • NoDepositKings puts it is sprawling casino and” “reward database to function daily to deliver you quality no deposit offers that allow you to play risk-free.
  • Australian players have the opportunity to succeed real money with no deposit free of charge spins.

This bonus is basically just made regarding you to have the ability to try the casino without having to be able to make a downpayment. While you’re enjoying your free moves, it won’t” “become possible to change the bet inside the pokie. This is preset, plus this bet increased by the amount of spins an individual get is precisely what determines the worth of your bonus. When the free rounds bonus is stimulated, go to typically the applicable pokie and even start the sport.

Use Wager Cost-free Bonuses

We provide a list of recommended casinos we examine carefully to aid ease selection. Using a multi-pronged process, we ensure each of the operators on our list meet a new certain standard. Casinority is an 3rd party review site throughout the online gambling establishment niche. We offer lists of casinos and their bonus deals and casino game titles reviews. Our mission would be to make your own gambling experience successful by connecting you to the most secure and most dependable casinos. Free moves in no down payment Australian casinos may possibly require a separate payment method regarding withdrawing winnings.

  • These can become” “one particular and the same nevertheless they often have got subtle difference, which in turn is why an individual need to see the details of virtually any offer before a person sign up.
  • Depending within the casino, participants can spin” “the reels of popular online slots, such as Starburst, Book regarding Dead, and Gonzo’s Quest.
  • You may still be constrained to specific free of charge spin pokies” “but your payout could become much more.
  • Additionally, you may claim around $4, 000 in additional funds, plus 100 free spins to utilize on Bubble Bubble 2, and Funds Bandits 2 together with your first couple associated with deposits.
  • Rollover terms will be the most important situations to take into consideration when applying no-deposit bonus moves, which is the reason why they get their particular own section.

You can experience the thrill of spinning the reels and even potentially win actual money without spending your current own funds. Both no deposit free rounds and no downpayment bonuses let folks play real money casino games without having risking their dough. However, free rounds simply no deposit to get real money usually are more common than no deposit bonuses at online casinos. For Australian on line casino enthusiasts, the entire world of gambling online gives exciting opportunities through Free Spins with out Deposit Bonuses. These enticing offers let players to check out various games with no risking their very own funds, while continue to having the opportunity to win real cash.

Free” “Spins Calendar

This signifies only bets up to this amount will count towards your wagering needs. You can likewise get absolutely spins as” “a part of a casino’s loyalty scheme or VERY IMPORTANT PERSONEL club. These are often given out in order to existing players while a way to reward them with regard to their continued enjoy at the online casino. For example, Rizk Casino has the particular “Wheel of Rizk” where players can easily win prizes such as free spins just for playing on the gambling establishment. Another game of which has taken the by storm is usually Play ‘n Go’s Book of Dead.

  • Super Spins are free spins that are usually worth even more as compared to Big Spins.
  • So far it may seem a bit sophisticated, therefore let’s appearance through the other side.
  • To increase these opportunities, this is important in order to have a very” “method in place.
  • All associated with these offers will be exclusive to brand new customers so, whether you sign up for FS or make a first deposit for FS, you’re getting something additional.
  • On the other hand, no deposit bonuses normally give players bonus cash to include in a new broader array of gambling establishment games, not simply slot machine games.
  • You may” “declare great promotions regarding popular games and even get friendly wagering conditions.

Free spins and free rounds no deposit are two diverse bonus types accessible to Australian participants. The main distinction between the 2 is that free rotates are offered within a deposit added bonus, while free spins no deposit are available without the require for a down payment. Free spins no deposit can be utilized to play pokies and other online casino games, providing participants using a great approach to test out and about a new game or perhaps get familiar together with an online casino. On the additional hand, free moves are often awarded as part associated with a welcome bonus or as part regarding a campaign and need players to make a deposit ahead of they can always be used. To claim no deposit free spins, you usually need to join a great account at typically the internet casino offering the particular promotion.

Different Ways Of Claiming No Deposit Free Of Charge Spins

You must after that activate the provide utilizing the no-deposit added bonus code NDB20 within your profile region. Register using the exclusive link in addition to enter your no-deposit bonus code to claim. Additionally, you can get a 100% bonus around $2, 000, in addition 250 free spins with the first deposit. You can movie through checklist involving top reliable casinos with the ideal bonus offers in our site. Provided you use a reputable online casino with a valid certificate, the FS won’t be rigged. These games are made to be able to be fair in addition to use random amount generators so there is not any way they may be rigged.

  • These terms define precisely how much you will need to play by means of the offer prior to it’s available for withdrawal.
  • We display all added bonus codes inside our testimonials and top databases when they’re necessary.
  • Use the filter below to be able to view bonuses simply by the quantity involving Free rounds offered, which include 100 free rotates, 50 free rounds, something like 20 free spins, plus Bitcoin casino free spins.

Once you declare free spins” “on registration but free deal, the online casino will decide make the betting dimensions. Bear in brain that casino cost-free spins are set across every one of the spend lines of the pokie on the cheapest bet value. However, remember that these types of free spins come with specific stipulations.

Gamble Sensibly And Also Have Fun!

The stipulations will also contain some sort of set of games of which” “a person won’t be in a position to use your bonus wins on. Generally this will consist of progressive jackpot online games, and games which usually involve strategy such as poker and blackjack. And a basic multiplication sum will certainly help you estimate the exact volume in bets a person need to create. We have the answer with our own constantly updated list of new no deposit casinos and additional bonuses. We believe our readers deserve a lot better than the standard no deposit bonuses located everywhere else.

  • For illustration, deposit free rotate bonuses might claim that you will acquire 50 free rounds any time you make your first deposit associated with $20 or even more.
  • But, essentially, it is usually risk-free, and an individual can test out there the web casino site without needing any build up.
  • Players searching to take advantage of free spins no down payment offers in Quotes should take a flash to familiarise themselves with the conditions and conditions in the offer.
  • With no financial threat involved, it’s a great way to get a sense for the game titles and decide which often ones match your playing style best.
  • No deposit free spins are additional bonuses online casinos offer you that allow a person to spin the particular reels of specific slots without adding any money.
  • BetVictor have been known to give away approximately 300 free rotates, worth $30 (300 x 0. 12 spins) with merely a $10 first deposit.

An element of a casino bonuses you should never forget to be able to evaluate beforehand is the terms. Every offer a betting operator gives aside has its situations to make sure proper work with. Without terms and conditions, players can simply abuse no-deposit reward spins, to typically the drawback to the betting website.

Rate Our Free Of Charge Spins No Downpayment Page Here!

If you are searching for typically the best value creating an account offer possible, we recommend choosing some sort of wager-free bonus or perhaps at least looking at out the lowest wagering bonuses you will discover. Or maybe you desire to sign up with regard to a casino that is a reliable brand. We characteristic casinos that offer you tested games, safe encryption, and total licensing. This means all of the particular places we advise to subscribe for should match your means.

  • Some sites such as All British Casino and No Downpayment Slots Casino will certainly offer you five free spins using no deposit regarding signing up.
  • For example, Rizk Casino has typically the “Wheel of Rizk” where players can easily win prizes such as free spins just intended for playing at the casino.
  • Sometimes customers need to kind a promocode in order to get some incentives or make some sort of first prepayment involving a particular lowest.
  • This is also a perfect situation as you can now strategize wagers and wagers.
  • All you’ll have to do to obtain your no-deposit deposit bonus is sign upwards with the exclusive url provided and verify your email tackle.
  • A benefit of 25 not any deposit free moves is pretty much the standard at Australian online casinos.

Another factor to remember is that the free moves no deposit added bonus code offer can have stipulations to complete. VIP and Loyalty programs will be incentives set upward by many online internet casinos that reward players for their repeat custom in the site. A wagering requirement is the level of times you have to be able to play through your current winnings through your totally free spins before you can withdraw them as actual money. If you are looking to try out a quantity of new internet casinos before spending,” “you could sign up for multiple offers in addition to see which 1 you want the most.

Katsubet On Line Casino: 50 Free Rotates No Deposit Bonus

However, you will discover terms and situations the casino lays out, and also you must meet them before you can pull away any winnings a person accumulate. These will be known as wagering specifications, and you may find that will the terms may possibly be hard to be able to meet. If a person land a earn, you don’t want to wait as well long to receive your” “payment.

This feature is turned on whenever you catch about the scatter/wild icons on the game reels. Contact – After you produce a merchant account, you need to request a bonus applying your casino’s Live Chat. A customer services representative will then credit your totally free spins. If you’re given the choice between different online games to play your free spins on, often choose the one particular with the highest minimum bet. Typically, you won’t acquire lots of free spins from a registration bonus, but anything at all between 10 and even 50 spins can be regular.

Step 4: Revulsion Options

Casino with free spins no deposit pack opens the door into the enchanting iGaming globe to everyone. With free spins casino not any deposit bonuses, a person get to consider out the gambling establishment platform and participate in slots with cost-free spins without wasting a cent. If some sort of casino gives a person 50 free spins in sign up after which asks you to stake them by means of 50 times, and then that bonus may well not be well worth your time. When fulfilling playthrough words, there is also to consider game weighting proportions. In most” “situations, free spins pokies contribute 100%, nevertheless that may not constantly be true. Furthermore, the maximum volume punters can succeed in the promo moves is $200.

  • It gives you a great deal of chances to build up the healthy-looking prize pot before taking on any wagering demands.
  • For example, Casino Sail offers 55 free rounds with no first deposit required on a new particular slot game when you sign up for an account through our link.
  • No deposit free spins carry out not require you to make any type of” “first deposit to claim all of them.
  • On several of our outlined casino sites, it is round the AU $50 mark, which usually is still a great excellent sum to be able to win for free.
  • Read on to access exclusive, fully tested, no first deposit free spins bonus deals on the market today.
  • It’s also important to check which online games are counted for the wagering requirements, like a games like” “scratch cards and live online casino games are frequently excluded.

If an present catches your eye, just click the particular “CLAIM NOW” switch and register with all the site. When considering online casino additional bonuses, there are numerous types available, each with its own set of benefits and disadvantages. Expiry dates play the crucial role within ensuring you don’t miss out about the chance to win actual money.

How Do Free Rotates Real Money Offer Work

To claim this fantastic welcome added bonus with this crypto-friendly on line casino, register your new account with the unique link and validate a few information. Additionally, you can look forward to claiming initial deposit bonuses plus 15% cashback. To have this no-deposit bonus on these well-known Mascot games, you’ll must register the new account employing our exclusive website link. Sign up for some sort of new Canada777 consideration using our distinctive link to uncover this offer plus receive your cost-free spins immediately. After utilizing your moves, a minimum downpayment of $20 is needed to withdraw any winnings. To claim this new player bonus, all you have to do is produce a new account applying our exclusive link and enter promo code 2FSN0.

  • Next, navigate to the ‘My Bonuses’ section in the account area and even activate your free rounds.
  • Yes, Free Spins are often good for specific position games, and Zero Deposit Bonuses may well only provide on certain games.
  • For example, the many common free spins pokie is Starburst, in addition to this game, your free spins are worth 10c per spin.
  • To continue, you will have to use an approved approach to repayment and may be required to verify your personality” “by simply submitting documentation.
  • Note the gambling establishment caters to your needs, that is typically the best casino totally free spins bonus.

Reputable online casino brands keep improving their bonus level and new online casinos pop way up daily, offering many free rounds to the players. The online games you can play with Australian no down payment free spins will change depending on the particular online casino. Some might limit you in order to specific slots, although others may allow you to use the added bonus on any slot” “within their library. While bonus deals are a well-liked avenue, acquiring free of charge spins isn’t minimal to them. There is no financial risk involved which is why these bonuses are well-known. No deposit free spins on sign-up usually are as good while the pokies a person can play them on and earn actual money from while well.

Top Australian Online Internet Casinos Offering No First Deposit Free Spins Reward Codes

Now you are able to claim almost all these options along with us right right after pursuing the bonus url. You can check out Aussie simply no deposit bonus requirements for a lot of of typically the greatest promotions that will you can get without spending any cash. It’s a method regarding Australian casinos to be able to encourage players to be able to keep playing on-line slot games. Some” “refill spins don’t demand a deposit, but many require a small downpayment of around $10 to $20 essential to activate. This bonus offers you totally free spins on slot machine game games without lodging when you sign up in a new on line casino. Typically the range of free spins will be anywhere from free spins, nevertheless sometimes you’ll locate even more.

  • Use equipment to manage your wagering, for example deposit restrictions or self-exclusion.
  • One of the many enticing aspects involving no deposit free spins in Australia is the opportunity to funds out without having to come up with a monetary commitment.
  • A No Deposit Bonus is a variety of online online casino bonus that gamers can claim without needing to deposit any of their own money.
  • Giving you 25 free rounds is not the massive risk coming from the casino’s area, either.

Some casinos offer free spins not any deposit for incorporating a bank card, nevertheless with the problem which you confirm, your own registration by incorporating a valid bank card. You won’t be charged anything, however you will need to be able to complete a appropriate debit card confirmation. First, you may need to register at an on-line casino site on this page (all are offering free of charge spins without deposit). There could be a brief form to fill up in with the personal details nevertheless once you are usually registered, you’re good to go. This means that the bonus must become claimed and employed within a specific time period.

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