/* Pagelayer Pen editor */ var pagelayer_customColor = ["#000000", "#e60000", "#ff9900", "#ffff00", "#008a00", "#0066cc", "#9933ff", "#ffffff", "#facccc", "#ffebcc", "#ffffcc", "#cce8cc", "#cce0f5", "#ebd6ff", "#bbbbbb", "#f06666", "#ffc266", "#ffff66", "#66b966", "#66a3e0", "#c285ff", "#888888", "#a10000", "#b26b00", "#b2b200", "#006100", "#0047b2", "#6b24b2", "#444444", "#5c0000", "#663d00", "#666600", "#003700", "#002966", "#3d1466"]; var pagelayer_pen_sizeList = ['normal', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large']; var pagelayer_pen_lineHeight = ['0.9', '1', '1.5', '2.0', '2.5','3.0', '3.5', '4.0', '4.5', '5.0']; class PagelayerPen{ constructor(jEle, options) { var t = this; t.editor = jQuery(jEle); t.options = options; // Get the document of the element. It use to makes the plugin // compatible on iframes. t.doc = jEle.ownerDocument || document; t.tagToButton = {}; t.optionsCounter = 0; t.destroyEd = true; t.semantic = null; t.DEFAULT_SEMANTIC_MAP = { 'b': 'strong', 'i': 'em', 's': 'strike', //'strike': 'del', 'div': 'p' }; // Init editor t.addHandlers(); t.init(); } init(){ var t = this; // Init Editor t.editor.addClass('pagelayer-pen'); t.penHolder = t.addContainer(); t.addEvents(); } addHandlers(){ // TODO : Add for custom plugins // TODO remove all execCommands this.handlers = { bold:{ tag: 'STRONG', icon: '' }, italic:{ tag: 'EM', icon: '' }, underline:{ tag: 'U', icon: '' }, strike:{ tag: 'strike', fn: 'strikethrough', icon: '' }, h1:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H1' }, h2:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H2' }, h3:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H3' }, h4:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H4' }, h5:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H5' }, h6:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: 'H6' }, p:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: '' }, blockquote:{ fn: 'formatBlock', icon: '' }, formating:{ fn: 'formatBlock', fixIcon: '' }, unorderedlist:{ tag: 'UL', fn: 'insertUnorderedList', icon: '' }, orderedlist:{ tag: 'OL', fn: 'insertOrderedList', icon: '' }, sub:{ tag: 'sub', fn: 'subscript', icon: '' }, super:{ tag: 'sup', fn: 'superscript', icon: '' }, link:{ fn: 'setLinkHandler', tag: 'a', icon: '', }, image:{ fn: 'imageBtnHandler', icon: '' }, align:{ style: 'text-align', fn: 'formatBlock', icon: { 'left': '', 'center': '', 'right': '', 'justify': '', } }, color:{ class: 'pagelayer-pen-color-picker', style: 'color', fn: 'commandHandler', fixIcon: ' ', buildBtn : 'buildColorBtnHandler', default : pagelayer_customColor, customInpute: true }, background:{ class: 'pagelayer-pen-color-picker', style: 'background-color', fn: 'commandHandler', fixIcon: ' ', buildBtn: 'buildColorBtnHandler', default : pagelayer_customColor, customInpute: true }, size:{ class: 'pagelayer-pen-size-picker', style: 'font-size', fn: 'commandHandler', default : pagelayer_pen_sizeList, customInpute: true }, lineheight:{ style: 'line-height', fn: 'commandHandler', fixIcon: '', default : pagelayer_pen_lineHeight, customInpute: true }, font:{ style: 'font-family', fn: 'commandHandler', fixIcon: '', default : pagelayer_fonts, buildBtn : 'buildfontBtnHandler', }, viewHTML:{ fn: 'viewHTMLBtnHandler', icon: '' }, removeformat:{ icon: '' } } } addContainer(className){ className = className || false; // Add Container var container = jQuery('.pagelayer-pen-holder'); if(container.length < 1){ jQuery('body').append('
'); container = jQuery('.pagelayer-pen-holder'); } if(!className){ return container; } if(container.find('.'+className).length < 1){ container.append('
'); } return container.find('.'+className); } addToolbar(){ // Add Toolbar var t = this; var groups = t.options.toolbar; var toolbar = t.toolbar = t.addContainer('pagelayer-pen-toolbar'); // Make it empty toolbar.empty(); if (!Array.isArray(groups[0])) { groups = [groups]; } var addButton = function(container, format, value){ var btn = t.handlers[format]; var icon = ''; if('icon' in btn){ var _icon = btn['icon']; if(typeof _icon == 'object' && !pagelayer_empty(_icon[value])){ icon = _icon[value]; }else if(typeof icon == 'string'){ icon = _icon; } } var input = document.createElement('button'); input.setAttribute('type', 'button'); input.setAttribute('data-format', format); input.classList.add('pagelayer-pen-' + format); if('class' in btn){ input.classList.add(btn['class']); } if( pagelayer_empty(value) && 'default' in btn ){ value = btn['default']; } input.innerHTML = icon; if(value != null) { input.value = value; } container.appendChild(input); } var createoption = function(val, lang, type){ type = type || ''; var lang = pagelayer_empty(lang) ? 'Default' : lang; return ''; } var addSelect = function(container, format, values) { var input = document.createElement('select'); input.classList.add('pagelayer-pen-' + format); if('class' in t.handlers[format]){ input.classList.add(t.handlers[format]['class']); } input.setAttribute('data-format', format); if( pagelayer_empty(values) && 'default' in t.handlers[format] ){ values = t.handlers[format]['default']; } for(var kk in values){ var options = ''; var value = values[kk]; if(typeof value == 'object') { if(kk != 'default'){ options += ''; } for(y in value){ options += createoption((jQuery.isNumeric(y) ? value[y] : x), value[y], kk); } }else if(value !== false) { options += createoption(value, value); } else { options += createoption('', ''); } jQuery(input).append(options); } container.appendChild(input); } groups.forEach(function(controls){ var group = document.createElement('span'); group.classList.add('pagelayer-pen-formats'); controls.forEach(function (control){ var format = control; if(typeof control === 'object'){ format = Object.keys(control)[0]; } if( pagelayer_empty(t.handlers[format]) ){ return; } if( typeof control === 'string' ){ addButton(group, control); } else { var value = control[format]; if (Array.isArray(value)) { addSelect(group, format, value); } else { addButton(group, format, value); } } var btn = t.handlers[format]; t.tagToButton[(btn.tag || btn.style || format).toLowerCase()] = format; }); // TODO skip if format is not exist toolbar[0].appendChild(group); }); toolbar.find('button').on('click', function(){ var bEle = jQuery(this); var format = bEle.data('format'); if(! format in t.handlers){ return; } var btn = t.handlers[format]; t.currentFormat = format; t.execCmd(btn.fn || format, btn.param || format, btn.forceCss); }); toolbar.find('select').on('change', function(e){ var bEle = jQuery(this); var format = bEle.data('format'); var val = bEle.val(); if(! format in t.handlers){ return; } var btn = t.handlers[format]; t.currentFormat = format; t.execCmd(btn.fn || format, val, btn.forceCss); }); toolbar.find('select').each(function(){ var format = jQuery(this).data('format'); if('buildBtn' in t.handlers[format]){ try{ t[t.handlers[format]['buildBtn']](this); }catch(e){ try{ t.handlers[format]['buildBtn'](this); }catch(e2){ t.buildDropdown(this); } } return true; } t.buildDropdown(this); }); // Add close button toolbar.append(''); // Hide editor on click close tool handler toolbar.find('.pagelayer-pen-close').on('mousedown', function(e){ //e.preventDefault(); t.destroyEd = true; t.editor.trigger('blur'); }); } execCmd(cmd, param, forceCss, skipPen){ var t = this; skipPen = !!skipPen || ''; if(cmd !== 'dropdown'){ t.focus(); t.restoreRange(); } try{ document.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, forceCss || false); }catch(c){} try{ t[cmd + skipPen](param); }catch(c){ try{ cmd(param); }catch(e2){ if(cmd === 'insertHorizontalRule'){ param = undefined; }else if (cmd === 'formatBlock'){ // TODO: check for && t.isIE param = '<' + param + '>'; } document.execCommand(cmd, false, param); t.semanticCode(); t.restoreRange(); } } if(cmd !== 'dropdown'){ t.updateButtonStatus(); t.editor.trigger('input'); } } commandHandler(value){ var t = this; var format = t.currentFormat; if( pagelayer_empty(format) ){ return; } var btn = t.handlers[format]; var sel = window.getSelection(); var text = t.range.commonAncestorContainer; var selectedText = t.range.cloneContents(); selectedText = jQuery('
').append(selectedText).html(); // Also select the tag if(text.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE){ text = text.parentNode; } if (text.innerHTML === selectedText && text != t.editor[0]) { var ele = jQuery(text); if('tag' in btn){ // Replace tag }else if('style' in btn){ var style = {}; style[btn.style] = value; ele.css(style); }else if('atts' in btn){ // Add attribute or toggle the element } } else { // TODO for toggle tags and add tags var html = jQuery('' + selectedText + ''); // Remove style from all childrend var style = {}; style[btn.style] = ''; html.find('[style]').css(style); // TODO: remove span element that have no atts var node = html[0]; var firstInsertedNode = node.firstChild; var lastInsertedNode = node.lastChild; t.range.deleteContents(); t.range.insertNode(node); if(firstInsertedNode) { t.range.setStartBefore(firstInsertedNode); t.range.setEndAfter(lastInsertedNode); } // Is previous element empty? var prev = jQuery(node).prev(); if( prev.length > 0 && prev.is(':empty') ){ prev.remove(); } } sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(t.range); } formatBlock(value){ var t = this, format = t.currentFormat, btn = t.handlers[format], startNode = t.range.startContainer, endNode = t.range.endContainer; if( startNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && startNode.parentNode != t.editor[0] ){ startNode = startNode.parentNode; } if( endNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && endNode.parentNode != t.editor[0] ){ endNode = endNode.parentNode; } // TODO: only for seleced content // Wrap text nodes in span for easier processing t.editor.contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeType === 3 && this.nodeValue.trim().length > 0; }).wrap(''); var isLineEnd = function(lEle){ return lEle == null || lEle.nodeName == 'BR' || t.isline(lEle); } var wrapLine = function(pLine){ var pLine = jQuery(pLine), lineFele, lineEele, finalP; // Get Parent Element if(pLine.parentsUntil(t.editor).length > 0){ pLine = pLine.parentsUntil(t.editor).last(); } if(t.isline(pLine)){ return pLine; } // Get line first element if(isLineEnd(pLine[0].previousSibling)){ lineFele = pLine; }else{ lineFele = pLine.prevAll().filter(function(){ return isLineEnd(this.previousSibling); }).first(); } // Get line last element if(isLineEnd(lineFele[0].nextSibling)){ lineEele = lineFele; }else{ lineEele = lineFele.nextAll().filter(function(){ return isLineEnd(this.nextSibling); }).first(); } // Wrap all with p tag if(lineFele.is(lineEele)){ finalP = lineFele.wrap('

').parent() }else{ finalP = lineFele.nextUntil(lineEele.next()).addBack().wrapAll('

').parent(); } finalP.next('br').remove(); return finalP; } // Get start block lavel elements var $sNode = jQuery(t.blockNode(startNode)); if($sNode.is(t.editor)){ $sNode = wrapLine(startNode); } var $eNode = jQuery(t.blockNode(endNode)); if($eNode.is(t.editor)){ $eNode = wrapLine(endNode); } var $oldEle = $sNode; if(! $sNode.is($eNode) ){ var findEnd = false; var addElement = function(addEle){ if(addEle[0].nodeName == 'UL' || addEle[0].nodeName == 'OL') { addEle.children().each(function(){ $oldEle = $oldEle.add(jQuery(this)); }); return; } $oldEle = $oldEle.add(addEle); } var wrapAllEle = function(nextEle){ if(nextEle.is($eNode) || nextEle.find($eNode).length > 0){ findEnd = true; return; } if(nextEle.length < 1){ return; } if(!t.isline(nextEle[0])){ nextEle = wrapLine(nextEle); } addElement(nextEle); wrapAllEle( nextEle.next() ); } wrapAllEle($sNode.next()); // Is start Element have a another parent var pars = $sNode.parentsUntil(t.editor); pars.each(function(){ var $par = jQuery(this); wrapAllEle($par.next()); }); if( pars.length > 0 ){ $sNode = pars.last(); } var nextEnd = $sNode.nextAll().filter(function(){ return jQuery(this).is($eNode) || jQuery(this).find($eNode).length > 0; }).first(); // Add elements if( nextEnd.length > 0 ){ var $nextEle = $sNode.nextUntil(nextEnd); $nextEle.each(function(){ var ulEle = jQuery(this); if($oldEle.has(ulEle)) return; addElement(ulEle); }); } // Add end element if(nextEnd.length > 0 && !nextEnd.is($eNode) && (nextEnd[0].nodeName == 'UL' || nextEnd[0].nodeName == 'OL')){ nextEnd.children().each(function(){ var li = jQuery(this); $oldEle = $oldEle.add(li); if(li.is($eNode) || li.find($eNode).length > 0) return false; }); }else{ $oldEle = $oldEle.add($eNode); } } if('style' in btn){ var style = {}; style[btn.style] = value; $oldEle.css(style); }else if('atts' in btn){ // Add attribute or toggle the element var attr = {}; attr[btn.atts] = value; $oldEle.attr(attr); }else{ // Replace tag var tag = value.toLowerCase(); // need to find all block ele and replace this $oldEle.each( function(){ var $cEle = jQuery(this); if($cEle.is(t.editor)){ return; } // Is List element if($cEle.css('display') == 'list-item'){ if( t.isline($cEle[0].firstChild)){ $cEle.children().each(function(){ var liChild = jQuery(this); if(t.isline(liChild[0])){ t.replaceTag(liChild, tag, true); return; } // TODO: Check and need to correct liChild.wrap('<' + tag + '/>'); liChild.next('br').remove(); }); return } $cEle.contents().wrapAll('<' + tag + '/>'); return; } t.replaceTag($cEle, tag, true); }); } // Get rid of pen temporary span's jQuery('[data-pts]', t.editor).contents().unwrap(); t.semanticCode(); t.restoreRange(); } blockNode( node ){ var t = this; while( !t.isline(node) && node != t.editor[0] ) { node = node.parentNode; } return node; } isline(node){ if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return false; if (node.childNodes.length === 0) return false; // Exclude embed blocks var style = window.getComputedStyle(node); return ['block', 'list-item'].indexOf(style.display) > -1; } replaceTag(ele, tag, copyAttr){ ele.wrap('<' + tag + '/>'); var par = ele.parent(); if(copyAttr){ jQuery.each(ele.prop('attributes'), function () { par.attr(this.name, this.value); }); } ele.contents().unwrap(); return par; } semanticCode(){ var t = this; t.semanticTag('b'); t.semanticTag('i'); t.semanticTag('s'); t.semanticTag('strike'); t.semanticTag('div', true); } semanticTag(oldTag, copyAttributes){ var t = this; var newTag; if(t.semantic != null && typeof t.semantic === 'object' && t.semantic.hasOwnProperty(oldTag)){ newTag = t.semantic[oldTag]; } else if (t.DEFAULT_SEMANTIC_MAP.hasOwnProperty(oldTag)) { newTag = t.DEFAULT_SEMANTIC_MAP[oldTag]; } else { return; } jQuery(oldTag, t.editor).each(function () { var $oldTag = jQuery(this); if($oldTag.contents().length === 0) { return false; } t.replaceTag($oldTag, newTag, copyAttributes); }); } addEvents(){ // Add Events var t = this, editor = t.editor, ctrl = false, debounceButtonStatus; var showToolBar = function(){ var jEle = t.penHolder.children(':visible'); if(jEle.length < 1){ jEle = t.toolbar; } t.showPen(jEle); }; // Save rage editor.on('focusout', function(e){ if(t.destroyEd){ t.editor.removeClass('pagelayer-pen-focused'); t.range = null; return; } t.saveRange(); }); // Prevent to hide toolbar t.penHolder.on('mousedown', function(e){ // TODO: taget only require Element t.destroyEd = false; }); // On editor blur editor.on('blur', function(){ if(!t.destroyEd){ return; } t.destroy(); }); editor.on('keydown', function(){ t.penHolder.hide(); }); editor.on('mousedown', function(){ if(t.editor.attr('contenteditable') == 'true'){ t.showPen(); } }); editor.on('mouseup keyup keydown', function(e){ if ((!e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) || e.altKey) { setTimeout(function () { // "hold on" to the ctrl key for 50ms ctrl = false; }, 50); } clearTimeout(debounceButtonStatus); debounceButtonStatus = setTimeout(function () { t.updateButtonStatus(); }, 50); }); // Set focus on editor editor.on('click', function(e){ if(t.editor.hasClass('pagelayer-pen-focused')){ return; } t.editor.attr('contenteditable', 'true'); t.editor.focus(); }); // Set focus on editor editor.on('focus', function(){ t.destroyEd = true; t.addToolbar(); t.showPen(); t.editor.addClass('pagelayer-pen-focused'); jQuery(window).unbind('scroll.penToobar'); jQuery(window).on('scroll.penToobar', showToolBar); jQuery(document).unbind('mousemove.penToobar'); jQuery(document).on('mousemove.penToobar', showToolBar); }); t.semanticCode(); } destroy(){ var t = this; //t.editor.attr('contenteditable', ''); t.penHolder.hide(); // Removing event listeners jQuery(document).unbind('mousemove.penToobar'); jQuery(window).unbind('scroll.penToobar'); } hasFocus(){ var t = this; return ( t.doc.activeElement === t.editor || t.contains( t.editor[0], t.doc.activeElement) ); } contains(parent, descendant) { try { // Firefox inserts inaccessible nodes around video elements descendant.parentNode; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions } catch (e) { return false; } return parent.contains(descendant); } saveRange(){ var t = this, selection = t.doc.getSelection(); t.range = null; if (!selection || !selection.rangeCount) { return; } var savedRange = t.range = selection.getRangeAt(0), range = t.doc.createRange(), rangeStart; range.selectNodeContents(t.editor[0]); range.setEnd(savedRange.startContainer, savedRange.startOffset); rangeStart = (range + '').length; t.metaRange = { start: rangeStart, end: rangeStart + (savedRange + '').length }; } restoreRange(){ var t = this, metaRange = t.metaRange, savedRange = t.range, selection = t.doc.getSelection(), range; if(!savedRange){ return; } if(metaRange && metaRange.start !== metaRange.end){ // Algorithm from http://jsfiddle.net/WeWy7/3/ var charIndex = 0, nodeStack = [t.editor[0]], node, foundStart = false, stop = false; range = t.doc.createRange(); while(!stop && (node = nodeStack.pop())){ if (node.nodeType === 3){ var nextCharIndex = charIndex + node.length; if (!foundStart && metaRange.start >= charIndex && metaRange.start <= nextCharIndex) { range.setStart(node, metaRange.start - charIndex); foundStart = true; } if (foundStart && metaRange.end >= charIndex && metaRange.end <= nextCharIndex) { range.setEnd(node, metaRange.end - charIndex); stop = true; } charIndex = nextCharIndex; } else { var cn = node.childNodes, i = cn.length; while (i > 0) { i -= 1; nodeStack.push(cn[i]); } } } } selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range || savedRange); } getRange(){ var t = this; var selection = t.doc.getSelection(); if (selection == null || selection.rangeCount <= 0) return null; var range = selection.getRangeAt(0); if(range == null) return null; return range; } getRangeText(range){ return range + ''; } focus(){ var t = this; if(t.hasFocus()) return; t.editor.click(); t.editor.focus(); t.restoreRange(); } getBounds(range){ var rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); return { bottom: rect.top + rect.height, height: rect.height, left: rect.left, right: rect.right, top: rect.top, width: 0 }; } showPen(jEle){ var t = this; jEle = jEle || jQuery(t.toolbar); var toolBar = jQuery(t.penHolder); var tooltipHeight = parseInt(toolBar.css('height')); var range = null; if(! t.hasFocus() && t.range != null){ range = t.range; }else{ range = t.getRange(); } if(range == null){ toolBar.hide(); return; } // Set left of toolbar var editorOffset = t.editor[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var editorTop = editorOffset.top; var editorLeft = editorOffset.left; var editorbottom = editorTop + editorOffset.height - tooltipHeight; var toolBarTop = editorTop - 10; var bound = t.getBounds(range); if(bound.height == 0 && bound.top == 0 && bound.left == 0){ toolBar.hide(); return; } var boundTop = bound.top - 15; // Set top of toolbar if( boundTop - tooltipHeight < 0 && bound.bottom > -5){ toolBarTop = bound.bottom + tooltipHeight + 15; }else if( editorbottom - 30 < 0 ){ toolBarTop = editorbottom + 20; }else if( toolBarTop - tooltipHeight < 0 ){ toolBarTop = tooltipHeight + 10; } // Show Toolbar toolBar.children().hide(); toolBar.show(); jEle.show(); // Set top of toolbar toolBar.css('top', toolBarTop); // Set left of toobar var docW = jQuery(window).width() - 10; var toolW = toolBar.width(); var edW = t.editor.width(); if(toolW > edW){ editorLeft = editorLeft - (toolW - edW) / 2 } toolBar.css('left', editorLeft+'px'); var tooltipLeft = toolBar.offset().left; if(tooltipLeft < 0){ toolBar.css('left', '1px'); } var toolRight = tooltipLeft + toolW; if(docW < toolRight){ toolBar.css('left', tooltipLeft - (toolRight - docW)+'px'); } } getContent(){ var editor = this.editor; var html = editor.html(); return html; } setContent(html){ var t = this; html = html || ''; t.editor.html(html); t.editor.trigger('input'); } updateButtonStatus(){ var t = this, toolbar = jQuery(t.toolbar), tags = t.getTagsRecursive(t.doc.getSelection().focusNode), activeClasses = 'pagelayer-pen-active'; jQuery('.' + activeClasses, toolbar).removeClass(activeClasses); jQuery.each(tags, function (i, tag){ var btnName; if(pagelayer_is_string(tag)){ btnName = t.tagToButton[tag.toLowerCase()]; }else{ btnName = t.tagToButton[Object.keys(tag)[0].toLowerCase()] } var $btn = jQuery('[data-format="'+btnName+'"]', toolbar); if($btn.length < 1){ return; } if($btn.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label').length > 0){ $btn.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label').addClass(activeClasses); return; } $btn.addClass(activeClasses); }); } getTagsRecursive(element, tags) { var t = this; var jEle = jQuery(element); tags = tags || (element && element.tagName ? [element.tagName] : []); if (element && element.parentNode) { element = element.parentNode; } else { return tags; } var tag = element.tagName; // Is this editor if (tag === 'DIV') { return tags; } // TODO: for all block element if (tag === 'P' && element.style.textAlign !== '') { tags.push(element.style.textAlign); } jQuery.each(t.tagHandlers, function (i, tagHandler) { tags = tags.concat(tagHandler(element, t)); }); tags.push(tag); var styles = jEle.attr('style'); if(!pagelayer_empty(styles)){ var styles = styles.split(';'); jQuery.each(styles, function(i, style){ style = style.split(':'); var ss = String(style[0]).trim(); var vv = String(style[1]).trim(); if(pagelayer_empty(ss) || ss in tags && !pagelayer_empty(tags[ss])){ return; } var obj = {}; obj[ss] = vv; tags.push(obj); }); } return t.getTagsRecursive(element, tags).filter(function (tag) { return tag != null; }); } buildDropdown(select){ var t = this; var fixIcon = ''; select = jQuery(select); var format = select.data('format'); var selAtts = ''; var options = ''; var optId = `pagelayer-pen-picker-options-${t.optionsCounter}`; t.optionsCounter += 1; Array.from(select[0].attributes).forEach(item => { selAtts += ' '+item.name+'="'+ item.value +'"'; }); Array.from(select[0].options).forEach(option => { var attrs = ''; var val = ''; var itemInner = ''; if(option.hasAttribute('value')){ val = option.getAttribute('value'); attrs += ' data-value="'+val+'"'; } if(option.textContent){ attrs += ' data-label="'+option.textContent+'"'; } // Set icon if('icon' in t.handlers[format] && typeof t.handlers[format]['icon'] == 'object' && !pagelayer_empty(t.handlers[format]['icon'][val])){ itemInner = t.handlers[format]['icon'][val]; } options += `${itemInner}`; }); if('fixIcon' in t.handlers[format]){ fixIcon = t.handlers[format]['fixIcon']; } var customInpute = ''; if('customInpute' in t.handlers[format] && !pagelayer_empty(t.handlers[format]['customInpute'])){ customInpute = ''; } var container = jQuery(` `); container.addClass('pagelayer-pen-picker'); select.before(container); select.hide(); var close = function(cEle){ cEle.removeClass('pagelayer-pen-expanded'); cEle.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label').attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); cEle.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-options').attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); } var selectItem = function(item, trigger = false){ var selected = container.find('.pagelayer-pen-selected'); var label = container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label'); var val = ''; if (item === selected) return; if (selected != null) { selected.removeClass('pagelayer-pen-selected'); } if(item == null) return; item.classList.add('pagelayer-pen-selected'); select.selectedIndex = Array.from(item.parentNode.children).indexOf( item, ); if (item.hasAttribute('data-value')) { val = item.getAttribute('data-value'); label.attr('data-value', val); } else { label.attr('data-value', val); } if (item.hasAttribute('data-label')) { label.attr('data-label', item.getAttribute('data-label')); } else { label.attr('data-label', ''); } if(!fixIcon){ label.html(item.innerHTML); } if(trigger) { select.val(val); select.trigger('change'); close(container); } } var toggleAriaAttribute = function(element, attribute) { element.setAttribute( attribute, !(element.getAttribute(attribute) === 'true'), ); } var togglePicker = function() { container.toggleClass('pagelayer-pen-expanded'); // Toggle aria-expanded and aria-hidden to make the picker accessible toggleAriaAttribute(container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label')[0], 'aria-expanded'); toggleAriaAttribute(container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-options')[0], 'aria-hidden'); } container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-item').on('click', function(){ selectItem(this, true); close(container); }); container.find('.pagelayer-pen-picker-label').on('click', function(){ togglePicker(); }); container.find('.pagelayer-pen-custom-input').on('focusout keydown', function(e){ if(e.type == 'keydown' && e.keyCode != 13){ return; } e.preventDefault(); var val = jQuery(this).val(); if(pagelayer_empty(val)){ return; } var opt = select.find('option.pagelayer-pen-custom-value'); 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How Many Words Does A One Page Essay Have

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oedit, edit and edit some more. When you are done writing, you are actually only 2/3 done with your article. Your editing phase should take you at least half the time it took you to write the article. When editing, look for your specific writing challenges, also check for the introduction, conclusion and transitions between ideas. Read your essay helper piece out loud. Proofread it on paper. Give it to someone else to proofread. Don’t skimp on this process–readers will catch your mistakes!
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Purchasing engraving or an engraved gift can be a daunting task. An inexperienced buyer is presented with more questions than answers. An unprepared consumer may be forced to make hurried decisions they later regret. A little preparation is definitely in order.
your son or daughter should also start considering what their high school transcripts are going to do for their odds of acceptance during the admissions process. Adding an honors or advanced placement class, just so long as it won’t damage their overall gpa if the class is too difficult for them, is a great idea. Encourage your child to get involved in student government or other extracurricular activities. Admissions departments love well-rounded applicants. Community service, hobbies and jobs can also count in your child’s favor when it comes to extracurricular activities. However make sure their grades stay top-notch while they are college essay help online diversifying their interests.
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oedit, edit and edit some more. When you are done writing, you are actually only 2/3 done with your article. Your editing phase should take you at least half the time it took you to write the article. When editing, look for your specific writing challenges, also check for the introduction, conclusion and transitions between ideas. Read your essay helper piece out loud. Proofread it on paper. Give it to someone else to proofread. Don’t skimp on this process–readers will catch your mistakes!
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Having an open, trusting relationship for the long-term” obviously not. after you have done your searching online and visited with the local university, don’t forget to check out your library. There are books that will list thousands of scholarships that you may find yourself eligible for. Some of these may require you to write an essay or fill out a questionnaire of some sort. While you may groan at that task, the reward you will reap is worth that effort. Besides, once you begin

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